Thursday, March 10, 2011

Basket Cover

For Christmas my friend gave me a gift basket filled with all sorts of goodies.  The basket itself was really nice, and I had a use for it year-round.  However on the liner there were Christmas decorations that did not seem appropriate for year round. 
the original basket
So I went to the store and bought some off white felt (with some sparkles) to use as the new lining.  I didn't want to take the old one apart, as it will be perfect to use again next Christmas. I had no idea how I was going to make this work, so I just started to wing it.  I laid down the new felt and traced the old liner on top of it with pencil.
felt laid out with pencil marks
showing how I traced the "pattern"
When I was finished marking and cutting the felt I had 3 pieces.  The one main piece and the two little side pieces.  I started by sewing the  3 pieces together and placing it into the basket.  This took awhile as I had to keep trimming the sides a bit until I had a snug fit.
the 3 pieces sewn together.  
measuring the fit in the basket. some trimming is needed!
After I got the snug fit I was looking for I needed to cut the top so it was all even and then sew the seem over so it had a nice finish.
the basket with the snug fit, and the sides all trimmed to the same length.
the finished seam.
I think that this turned out great!  Now I will be able to have this out year round.
The finished product.
I know this maybe a confusing post but I don't know how to make it any clearer.  I basically just winged making the whole thing!

1 comment:

Neil said...

I like this thing. It works really well. Hides all the fish tank stuff perfectly.