Sunday, August 29, 2010

Crobots - Dogbot

I got the book Crobots by Nelly Pailloux as a present from friend for Christmas.  So I have finally decided to start making these really cool crocheted robots and want to try to make them all (20 in total)!  The first one in the book is Dogbot and is supposed to be the easiest.  It took a lot of work to finish it, so I am a little concerned about doing the rest.  It turned out great though, and was worth all the work.
Super Cute Dogbot
Dogbot chilling with Phoebe

Monday, August 23, 2010

Button Flower Cake

This weekend I went to a baby shower.  On top of bringing the cookies I made last week, I also brought a cake.  It was a three layer white cake with raspberry mouse filling and butter-cream icing.

First and second layers filled with raspberry mouse.

Cake iced and with a basket weave design on it.
The cake fully decorated with flowers!
 The flowers on top of the cake are made out of fondant.  I made a homemade fondant out of marshmallows which tastes a lot better then store bought, and is a lot cheaper.  I used the Wilton Button Flower Cut and Press set to make the flowers.  I found it really frustrating to get the flowers out of the press and I was going to make more flowers in teal, but I didn't think I had it in me to make anymore.  I was also going to by the leaf press, but I knew I didn't want to cut out any more.  I think my problems were coming from the homemade fondant, and not using the store bought, which as a slightly different consistency.  The end result still looked pretty good!
Top of cake

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Pink Sugar Cookies!

I have been invited to a baby shower this weekend, so I thought I would use this opportunity to try making some sugar cookies.  I have been looking at a lot of web sites and seeing some really cool things done with them.  I thought I would give it a go and bought some cookie cutters with baby themes. I decided only to make the onesie, carriage and bear from the set as the rocking horse looked a little to complicated for me right now.

All the cookies finished and out to dry
 I still need some more practice as my hand is still quite shaky, but I think that they turned out to be really cute.  They were a lot more time consuming the  I thought that they would be, but hopefully with practice they will not take as long to do in the future. 

I got the ideas to decorate these from this website: Cookie Crumbs
This website makes me want to make so much more cookies!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Just Ducky!

As I am really into making cakes I decided to take the Wilton cake decorating classes at Michaels.  So this is the cake I made for the final class of Gum Paste and Fondant.

Rubber Duck Cake

 The teacher was super cool and said we could make whatever kind of cake we wanted to even if it didn't involve anything we did in class.  So I was looking for ideas online and found a couple duck cakes like this one.  So I decided to give it a shot and see if I could do it.  I think it turned out super awesome.

"Rubber" duck
"soap" bar    

I made both the rubber ducky and the soap bar out of marzipan.  It was a little sticky to work with, but it is much more tasty then fondant.  I also liked using it as I had a bunch left over from a previous cake I had made.  For the duck I colored the marzipan with gel food color, and left the soap the natural marzipan color.

Cake from the side
To get the boards to look like wood, I colored the fondant brown and after rolling it out and cutting it into boards I gently ran a toothpick up and down to give it a grainy look.  For the bubbles I made a bunch of little balls out of white fondant and rolled them around in some pearl dust.  It gave them a super cool shimmer and made them look a bit more bubble like!


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Hello World!

I have finally decided to join (what feels like) everyone else and have my own blog.  I want this to be a place for me to post all the cool things that I make and do.  I am really into baking, knitting, sewing and stuff like that. I always feel like I have a ton of projects on the go, so hopefully I will get motivated to finish some of them up so I can post them here!

So to start off I will show some pictures of things that I have made:

Color - Bar Blanket
This is a blanket I crocheted from the book Stitch 'N Bitch crochet: The Happy Hooker.  I had to make so many granny squares for this project I thought it would never end! I think it is a super fun blanket and very cozy!

Mario Chess Board
A couple of years ago for Christmas I made this chess board for my brother-in-law.  I made all of the pieces out of Fimo baking clay.  It was a lot of work, but at the end it looked so cool.

Pink Doll Cake
My mom kept telling me how much she dreamed of having a doll cake growing up.  So for her birthday two years ago I made her this cake.  At this point I had no training for decorating cakes, so this was all self taught, but turned out very well.  I used the Wilton Wonder Mold Kit to make this cake.

Well this will be it for today.  I'm hoping next I will post pictures of the cakes I have done recently!