Saturday, January 15, 2011

Natural Winter Kit

For Christmas my husbands family has a sibling secret Santa instead of getting gifts for each person.  This does make it a lot easier as he has 2 sisters, 2 brothers, and 3 of them have partners.  We did it so the girls exchanged amongst themselves, as did the guys.  This is makes it easier as it can be hard to come up with ideas for guys that they will like.  So I needed to figure out what to make.  I of course went to one of my favorite sites, pickles.  I saw the Natural winter kit and just had to make it. I was pleasantly surprised to find out that I had all the needles to make this so I didn't need to buy anymore.  I normally do, but I guess this means I am starting to get a decent collection of knitting needles.  Yea!!!!  For the yarn I used pattons classic wool.  I find that I am knitting really tight so in the future I should start using larger needles to get proper gauge.  I found for myself that this project was a bit on the small size.  But then again I have a big head! Both the hat and the scarf were super easy to make.  I almost want to make one for myself!
The hat and scarf.
Close up of scarf.  The pattern is fantastic.

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