Friday, October 22, 2010

Apple Pie and Corn Soup

As I was cleaning out the fridge the other day I noticed I had some apples that were about to go bad.  What was I to do?  Well my first thought was to put them in the composter, but then I thought, why not make a pie?  Especially because my husband loves pie, and wishes I made more of it. 

My go to recipe for pie crust is Martha Stewart's Pate Brisee, and  I use it whenever I need a pie crust. It is super easy to make, and even though the directions say to use the food processor, I just make it by hand. It seems to work out just fine. 

I wasn't sure what to do for the filing, so I just typed apple pie into Google to see what would pop up.  I found this apple pie recipe on All Recipes.  I like this site as there are reviews of the recipes on the bottom so you can get an idea if the recipe is going to be good or not.  So far I have had good success with the site!  I did make one modification to the recipe. That is I only had 6 apples, instead of 8, and only 3 were granny smith. When I was done filling the pie, I was happy I only used 6 as anymore would have been overkill.  It also felt kinda weird to put the apples in the pie, put the top lattice on, and then fill it up with the sauce.  Oh well, it did turn out tasty!
I love the stars!
So many apples, yummy!
Another thing that my husband quite often asks for is corn for dinner.  I thought I would try to be somewhat creative and make corn soup for dinner instead of just a bowl of corn. Again I like going to Martha Stewart's website and used her Corn Soup with Fresh Tomatoes.  The soup was delicious, and I really liked the tomatoes on top.  However my husband was not such a fan of the tomatoes, but loved the soup. (The tomatoes I used was from our garden). The recipe did call for fresh corn, but I just use frozen.  Good enough for me.
So Good!

1 comment:

Shelley said...

OMG!!! I just made a pumpkin pie with the same pate brisse recipe! YUM! I love it... :) You're always so ahead of me!