Thursday, August 19, 2010

Pink Sugar Cookies!

I have been invited to a baby shower this weekend, so I thought I would use this opportunity to try making some sugar cookies.  I have been looking at a lot of web sites and seeing some really cool things done with them.  I thought I would give it a go and bought some cookie cutters with baby themes. I decided only to make the onesie, carriage and bear from the set as the rocking horse looked a little to complicated for me right now.

All the cookies finished and out to dry
 I still need some more practice as my hand is still quite shaky, but I think that they turned out to be really cute.  They were a lot more time consuming the  I thought that they would be, but hopefully with practice they will not take as long to do in the future. 

I got the ideas to decorate these from this website: Cookie Crumbs
This website makes me want to make so much more cookies!

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